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contraceptive pill

См. также в других словарях:

  • contraceptive pill — n birth control pill …   Medical dictionary

  • contraceptive pill — noun a contraceptive in the form of a pill containing estrogen and progestin to inhibit ovulation and so prevent conception • Syn: ↑pill, ↑birth control pill, ↑oral contraceptive pill, ↑oral contraceptive, ↑anovulatory drug, ↑anovulant •… …   Useful english dictionary

  • contraceptive pill — pill taken to prevent pregnancy …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Contraceptive, pill — Commonly called the pill, combined oral contraceptives are the most commonly used form of reversible birth control in the United States. This form of birth control suppresses ovulation (the monthly release of an egg from the ovaries) by the… …   Medical dictionary

  • Combined oral contraceptive pill — (COCP) Background Birth control type Hormonal First use ? …   Wikipedia

  • Extended cycle combined oral contraceptive pill — Extended cycle combined oral contraceptive pills are COCPs packaged to reduce or eliminate the withdrawal bleeding that occurs once every 28 days in traditionally packaged COCPs. Extended cycle use of COCPs may also be called menstrual… …   Wikipedia

  • oral contraceptive pill — noun a contraceptive in the form of a pill containing estrogen and progestin to inhibit ovulation and so prevent conception • Syn: ↑pill, ↑birth control pill, ↑contraceptive pill, ↑oral contraceptive, ↑anovulatory drug, ↑anovulant • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Oral contraceptive pill — Oral contraceptives are medications taken by mouth for the purpose of birth control. Female Two types of female oral contraceptive pill are widely available: The combined oral contraceptive pill contains oestrogen and a progestogen, and is taken… …   Wikipedia

  • oral contraceptive pill — n BIRTH CONTROL PILL …   Medical dictionary

  • Pill — can refer to: * A ball, or anything small and round, hence also: ** A pill (pharmacy): A pharmacological dosage form, now rendered obsolete by tablets and capsules, hence also: *** The Pill , a general nickname for the combined oral contraceptive …   Wikipedia

  • pill — ► NOUN 1) a small round mass of solid medicine for swallowing whole. 2) (the Pill) a contraceptive pill. ► VERB ▪ (of knitted fabric) form small balls of fluff on its surface. ● a bitter pill Cf. ↑a bitter pill …   English terms dictionary

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